Saturday November 21st, 2020

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: taking advantage.


Greg said...

I think we will finish this, and I know what I'd like to use for the last verse so... if the prompt doesn't work it might get overlooked that once :) That said, I never planned to write this poem at the start of the year, so I'm also still open to all my plans (well... plan, singular) changing again in unexpected ways.a

Taking advantage
Spud flaps his hands, his demands momentarily forgotten
And Emma kicks the woman with pince-nez spectacles
Somewhere she’ll remember for a while. “Save the boss!” yells Red
And all the guards charge forwards into a fracas.

Marc said...

Greg - I'm open to suggestions for the final verse prompt, but do feel to ignore whatever I come up with if need be.

Action's picking up! I like that Red yells that, it's an effective distraction. And Emma's not being left out of the fun, so that's a definite bonus.