Tuesday November 24th, 2020

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: speculation.


resmitoto said...
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Greg said...

Ah, Remsitoto, you've returned! It's nice to see you again, though I'm afraid your recommendations for casino bonuses are still not a patch on what I could recommend -- advantages of working in the industry, you see :)
It's probably also worth noting that these don't really work as haikus, neither in Indonesian nor when I translate them. And I did try -- I translated them into English, Russian, Italian, German and French before deciding that you perhaps had missed the key issues of syllable count and season adjectives. Of course, it did occur to me that this might be your intent: to set the reader up with the seemingly impossible task for determining which language is required for this to be a haiku. That makes for a very clever puzzle, but I think you need to provide the reader with a hint or two more in order to keep them encouraged and feeling like they're making progress. Your link, for example, could perhaps go to a site that uses the language in question, or displays something culturally relevant -- and while we in the casino industry do have our own cant, if you've intentionally used it then you're suggesting some very inappropriate things to do with a squirrel -- I might actually be able to get a haiku out of that, but I shouldn't have to. Seriously, I shouldn't have to.

Greg said...

Right, I should actually write a haiku or two, shouldn't I?

What comes when this year
Has gone? 2021 --
A year of regrowth?

The zombies wait now;
In Spring they will launch their bid
For conquering us.

[I'm assuming we all read 2021 as "Twenty twenty-one" for the syllable count]

Marc said...

Greg - I held it together until the squirrel part.

Yeah, at this point zombies would not surprise me.