Friday December 11th, 2020

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: a walk in the park.


Greg said...

How's the snow in Oliver at the moment? I'm pretty sure you should have had some by now, but walking in the park doesn't sound like you when it's snowing :)

A walk in the park
Rascal, the rogueish captain of the starship A Walk in the Park (class: Highly Offensive), who clearly delighted in his name, walked onto the bridge and sat down at the Science Officer's station. Vizile, his First Officer, looked up and did a double-take.
"Captain," he said wearily, "that's not your seat you know."
"I've job-swapped," said Rascal cheerily as the Walk in the Park lurched violently, "so that we can all cross-train!"

Marc said...

Greg - snow in the mountains, nothing in town here in Osoyoos. We had some snow yesterday morning but it was gone by the afternoon, as it had turned to rain. Kat and I actually had a lovely hike on Sunday, it was plus 6 or 7.

Hah, so this is Rascal. I think I like him already!