Wednesday December 23rd, 2020

The exercise:

Happy Christmas Eve Eve!

Write something to do with: God rest ye merry gentlemen.


Greg said...

You're definitely getting into the Christmas Spirit then! I shall wish you a precariously early happy new year in return :)

God rest ye merry gentlemen
"Ho ho ho!" boomed a voice from outside the barn. Pete made a noise like a mouse suffocating and tried to pull his pants back up in a hurry. He was standing on the leg of one side though, so he ended up toppling over and rolling into the shadows behind the manger still pulling at the fabric and trying to cover himself up.
"What the actual?" said Toto sniffing the air. His eyes glittered with anger. "There was definitely not this smell of brandy and plums a moment ago."
Leo nodded. "Came in fast," he said. "Like a parachute drop."
Toto stared at him, the new smells forgotten as his doggy brain ticked through what Leo had just said, and then repeated it in case he'd made a mistake. "You have parachutes in Oz?" he said at last. "But no aeroplanes?"
Leo shrugged. "Flying monkeys," he said. "They were a real hazard for a long time, and if you got grabbed by one, you needed a parachute. They're vicious but they're not strong; they can only carry you for a kilometre and a half or so before they get tired and drop you."
Toto shook his head. "I have no idea how you got some of this stuff," he said. "It's like someone took all the bits of a world they liked and forgot how physics works."
"Ho ho ho!" boomed a voice again, a different one, and Toto remembered that he was concerned about DoHo waking up. He pushed the barn door open with his nose and barked, two sharp woofs that carried menace.
"It's a widdle doggie!" said a third voice with joy. "I want to cuddle it!"
Toto's bark was as sharp as a new knife, but he retreated into the barn for safety. The door opened further as three men came in. The smell of brandy and plums swirled around them and it was clear from their faces that they had been drinking and were very definitely merry.
"This is wonderful," said the tallest, who might have been wearing a tiara buried in thick black curls of hair. "This is perfect for us to spend the night! We have been looking for somewhere to rest."
The second gentlemen, darker skinned with lively eyes and a bottle of brandy in each hand, looked around. "And there's entertainment, too," he said. "A prostitute and a catamite."
"Dorothy and Pete," said Stan helpfully. "Though I'm not sure what that last word meant."
"And you'd be mad to pay for DoHo," said Toto. "Not that I'm going to refuse to take the money, mind you."
"Cute widdle doggie," said the third gentleman, whose hands were bedecked with gold rings. "Come here!"
"I'll bite off whatever you put near me," said Toto grimly. "Who are you, and why are you here?"

Marc said...

Greg - and a happy Valentine's Day to you!

Flying monkeys being a 'real hazard for a long time' made me laugh. And uh, thanks? For making me google catamite. Super happy about that.

At least you made choosing the next prompt easy!