Tuesday December 22nd, 2020

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: heaven and earth.


Greg said...

You finished Hindsight! And I like Francis :) I'm not sure about the reveal of the narrator's name, though I think you needed it for the tale you told, but I was sort of expecting them to remain unnamed throughout.
I rather like how there's a hint of both brothers having come through similar situations to end up where they are now; the falling out with their father, a journey away from where they grew up, and opportunities in a new place; and I especially like that the overall theme is that "in Hindsight, all these things had to happen in order for me to be here now". Francis seems like he's as scatterbrained as his brother too, which is some good characterisation in just a two-post piece!
And, naturally, I like the twist at the end that the psychopathic woman who has played some part in bringing this all together is still lurking around like a demented angel and might yet find her way back into Francis and Kenneth's lives!
Great work :)

Heaven and Earth
The Middle Kingdom
Lies between Heaven and Earth.
You get one life there.

Santa says good kids
Go to Heaven and bad ones
Have to stay on Earth....

Marc said...

Greg - I was tempted to leave him nameless, but then I felt like a reveal would be a nice way to wrap things up. But thank you, I rather like Francis as well! And I'm not sure that the mystery woman's link to things necessarily makes sense, but I do enjoy having her around :)

Heh, I feel like your second is more accurate than I'd care to think about.