Thursday December 3rd, 2020

The exercise:

Write about: the library.


Greg said...

You're reading my updates just to find out how Red dies, aren't you? You still need to add to Hindsight since the last month is already upon us :)

The library
Ben and Jimmy set off down the room towards the cabinets, clearly intent on locating anything of value that would be small and light enough to carry, and I paused. There'd been a map here, so there was a good chance that the Elizabethtown folk had already looted it -- but equally, it must be important and none of the folk there looked like they read a whole lot. Just the usual Farmer's Almanac, one page a day.
There were clearly too many books to even look through, let alone consider taking more (I had at least three to carry already and those things are heavy!) but I figured that whatever was important in here would be somewhere at the desks. If the Elizabethtowner had hidden it in the books on the shelves then there would be no hope of finding it unless we were going to spend a week here -- and I definitely wasn't. I didn't Ben wanting to do that either, and JImmy definitely wouldn't on his own.
"Nice," said Jimmy, holding up a jewelled necklace in gold and something sparkly. Clearly the looting hadn't reached here yet.
"Very nice!" said Ben, agreeing, and holding up something similar.
The desk was clear and empty, but there were drawers down one side of it, and while the top and bottom drawers opened and were empty, the middle drawer was locked. I tried the key again without much hope, and it didn't work, so I pulled the top drawer out completely, making a bit of noise and fuss in the process, and that let me look down into the middle drawer.
There was a leather document wallet in there of some kind, and nothing else. I pulled it out and opened it, and found several loose sheets of paper, and (thankfully) proper English writing on the top.
It's now clear, it began, that the gate that the priests refer to is both a physical and a meta-physical entity and that they brought the creatures through it. Some kind of slave labour force, it seems, and it might explain how they built a city and clad it all in gold. At some point the balance of power shifted and the creatures appear to have liberated themselves from the priests, taking over the Western side of the city and changing it to suit themselves. How the fighting broke out is still a guess, but this library might hold the necessary books to determine it.
Our reclamation of the treasures and history of the city seem to have woken the creatures, and I wonder how long they live for because of this. They are fast and hard to kill, but it is possible. I have ordered that only groups of four move around the city, as anything less is an invitation to lose all the men.
There is strong evidence though that this is the
second city of gold, and my notes on the following pages are culled from the books here. They should point to this new Eldorado, a city without these monsters and the consequent dangers.
I stopped reading at that point and decided that this was probably the biggest treasure in this blasted city.

Marc said...

Greg - I read when I'm behind on comments, just to make sure the prompts are reasonably usable for you. You're welcome :P

Maybe this Thursday for Hindsight, by the way.

Treasure and knowledge indeed! And of course they say it's safest in packs of four when there's only three of the guys together now. Of course.

Hmm, another El Dorado, sans homicidal creatures? Sign me up!