Friday May 14th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the training grounds.


Greg said...

I'm in the process now of moving, though it looks like it might take a few days longer than expected due to a few oddities (the landlord has put a bed in whose frame lifts up for storage. However, he also lifted it up and now can't get it back down again, so I'm waiting for him to fix that and put the mattress back. The internet will also be missing for at least a week, but I was expecting that. Nothing insurmountable, but I suspect the flat won't be exactly home for a week or two still.)

The training grounds
Samual grimaced as he twisted his shoulders inside his training shirt, which was half-over his head and sticking. Two hours on the training grounds didn't sound like a lot as a standard part of his week working with the Lords Martial, but they were relentless and he was much more sore after just three days of this than he wanted to admit. Suddenly his top jerked upwards and disappeared, and he found himself looking at Elizabeth, who was grinning at his surprise.
"You looked a bit stuck," she said, looking around, "and am I... really... the only woman in here?"

Marc said...

Greg - ah, best of luck with the move. The bed sounds... interesting! I hope you don't end up being on it next time it gets stuck up!

Elizabeth! What a delightful addition to this return to Derby's world :)