Friday May 7th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: misheard lyrics.


Greg said...

Hmm, mondegreens. This feels like it could use more than four lines, but I guess that's where the challenge lies! So, for your enjoyment then, here is the song with the misheard lyric, and below is the writing.

What a nice surprise when your rabbi dies
There she was standing in the doorway as the Mission bell rang out the call to mass with a worried look on her pretty face. I forced myself to stand upright, though the pain in my back was worse this morning than ever, and tried not to lean too heavily on my cane.
"What a nice surprise when your rabbi dies," she said as I approached, and the shock on my face -- how could she know about my past back in Atlanta? -- must have been clear to her.
"It's time for mass," she said, clarifying, and then repeated, "What a nice surprise, bring your alibis."

Marc said...

Greg - right, that's what they're called. Couldn't think of it at the time.

Hah, that's... quite the difference between what was said and what was heard. And the reference to Atlanta is intriguing, to say the least.