Sunday May 2nd, 2021

The exercise:

Write about something that is: continuous.


Greg said...

Ah, you're referring to the process of addressing comments with this prompt! Well done on the one's you've achieved so far, by the way, and I did enjoy your addition to the Gazette!

"I shall pop out to Whitehall now, then," said Genius watching both the young men in front of him carefully. He rather felt he should be able to call them boys still, but anyone obliviated as many times as Harry had been should probably be in a hospital ward somewhere being treated for PTSD. "I don't intend to be gone long, but equally I don't know who I'll bump into while I'm there, or what other things might come up and demand my attention. I also don't know exactly where this notebook is, and if I have to ask the librarian for help it could take a while too. And that's assuming that no-one has borrowed it--" he stopped, realising that he was vocalising his worries to people who either didn't care or would offer to help when there was actually nothing they could do. "So, do what you want while you're here and try not to break anything. Master Serious tends to notice that kind of thing."
"Ok," said Ronnie, nodding vigorously. Genius smiled at him, certain that any mischief wouldn't be coming from that direction and frowned at Harry.
"Master Harrington?" he said after that elicited no response.
"I was just thinking," said Harry slowly. He looked up. "Shouldn't you warn us not to unlock doors or open chests or something?"
"Neither of you are Hermione," said Genius. "If she comes back, which I doubt, while I'm away then you should pass those warnings on to her. But Master Harrington has a lot of freedom of choice here, in the Ramshackle at least, and the most dangerous things are put away securely enough that I'm not worried."
"Challenge?" asked Harry, with a impish smile.
"Not really," said Genius. "I would prefer to come back to find you continuous and in a countable number of pieces."
"Huh?" said Ronnie, and even Harry looked a little perplexed.
Genius pulled his wand from his belt and ostentatiously waved it in the air. It wasn't necessary; he was actually activating the watch -- a magical artifact -- on his wrist, but like any good magician he knew that distracting the observers was a good way to keep secrets. Sparks erupted from it and whirled around into a sparkling mandala that reminded him for a moment of the sand in Harry's mind, and under cover of the sparkstorm he pressed the third button on his watch and a portal-transfer pulled him from the Ramshackle to Whitehall.
He arrived, as always, a couple of centimetres above a carved marble pedestal that was large enough across to hold twelve or thirteen portly wizards and dropped to the surface with a light thud. Immediately a wizard on the far side of the pedestal to him looked up, wand at the ready, and demanded, "Passphrase!"
"Your mother was a tanner and your father smelled of strawberries," said Genius. "Who things these things up anyway?"
"Combination of using phrases from literature and copyright requirements," said the wizard. "I did hear that we've got a month of phrases from Joyce coming up, so you'll enjoy that then."
"I might take a holiday," muttered Genius. "Can I go now?"
"Reason for visit?" asked the wizard, not lowering his wand.
"Mischief," said Genius. "At least, that's what's on your form. It's the usual 'security clearance' stuff, Albert. Mostly I'm here to try and collect a book, but there'll be hoops to jump through and I can only wish they're not on fire."
"Mischief it is," said Albert, allowing himself a small smile that was almost concealed by his moustache. After a moment Genius realised that it was the same moustache that Inigo Montoya wore.

Marc said...

Greg - thanks! The battle is indeed never ending...

Happy to see this continuing again, as I'd rather begun to miss it. Genius continues to delight :)