Monday May 17th, 2021

The exercise:

Write about: the infection.

Long day, ended with best possible news. Miles has a minor infection that should clear up in a couple of days, with a little medication to help things along.


Greg said...

I'm guessing that this is best possible news because you were concerned that Miles had something more serious, as otherwise you're a pretty poor parent... :-p I have my second vaccine shot tomorrow, so infection is certainly something I'd be looking to avoid at the moment! I hope Miles feels better soon :)

He rises again, his steps sure in the dark
And passes to the bathroom like a ghost.
He kneels before the toilet...
Begging not to have to do this....

He shivers as the infection worms its way deeper
And his stomach convulses,
Reversing peristaltic contractions and forces
The contents out in a liquid stream.

He waits like Pompeii as Vesuvius evacuates itself
And wipes his mouth clean;
Rinses it with water he dare not drink
And stoically returns to his bed.

Marc said...

Greg - yes :P

It took a long while to get through on the nurse's line, then a long time to see a doctor at emergency. We weren't super concerned it was anything more serious, but were relieved to know what was going on for sure.

I'm not certain I can say I enjoyed your poem, but it was certainly well done. And why do I think that's an acrostic of some sort? Like HAHB HART HARA was the curse that led to this particular infection...