Friday June 3rd, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about something that is: abhorrent.

At bedtime tonight I had to stop myself from asking Max 'Why is it that the more tired you are, the more abhorrent the thought of sleep becomes?'.

Kids are the best, you guys.


Greg said...

Isn't the problem rather that he's getting tired because he's doing something else and so it's not that sleep is abhorrent, it's that stopping what he's doing before he's finished is? Just a guess, based on what you've said about him in the past :)

You've described various of my tales, over the years, with adjectives that come close to abhorrent. You definitely dislike the Ilmatu stories, to the extent that I sometime suspect you put off addressing comments when you think there's one in the offing. You seem to like, for some value of like, MacArthur but you dislike strongly, I think, the dystopia he lives and works in, and there have been various random tales where you've commented primarily on how unpleasant the scene, the protagonist or the world is. But out of all of them, I think the tale of poor Julie with 'gnomes in her coochie' and the dynamite solution seemed to upset you the most ;-)

Marc said...

Greg - not really, in this case. It's more he keeps getting distracted and can't focus and then he just starts finding the most ridiculous minutiae to complain or talk or ask questions about.

It's like, just go the fuck to sleep, dude.

I would say this is a surprisingly accurate summation of my feelings about these characters and stories.