Tuesday June 21st, 2022

The exercise:

Write two haiku about something that has been: adapted.

About three quarters of the way to work this morning the Midnight Oil song Beds Are Burning came into my head, for no apparent reason. The chorus very, very, very quickly turned into "How can I bike while my legs are burning?"

Thankfully I could not remember any other lines from the entire song at that point, otherwise I'm quite sure more adaptations would have occurred before I arrived at the office.


Greg said...

Hmm, that seems like an appropriate adaptation. For cycling home maybe you'd like to work with Running up that hill by Kate Bush since that has rather miraculously sprung back to life lately :)

She adapts it all,
No matter what the season,
But her hat still leaks.

He adapted when
She left him for another.
His plan: die alone.

Marc said...

Greg - hmm, that's a good possibility. Or maybe Do it to Myself by Nova Miller.

(I will admit to only listening to it for the first time just now, after searching for 'I do it to myself lyrics' and finding it to be the first result. But I will also say it's a good find and not the last time I'll listen to it)

Woof, that second one is rather dire. Quite the contrast to the lightness of the first!