Sunday June 19th, 2022

The exercise:

Write about something that has been: unlocked.


Greg said...

Hmm, this prompt... you're teaching the boys about disappointment by playing Elden Ring with them and you're all taking it in turns to die to what look like easy monsters but you're wishing you could unlock a better weapon to give yourself a better chance? Perhaps?

Fabian walked back to his office on legs that felt like jelly. He found himself worrying about spilling his coffee when it was almost as though he couldn't walk straight, and the ridiculousness of it all made him laugh out loud as he crossed the last metre or so to his desk and could set the cup down. He pulled his chair out and sat down and trying to get his laughter under control.
When he felt more settled he picked up his tablet to compose a message to Dread. He was still tapping at it, trying to find the right words to describe what he'd just been told, when there was a knock at his door. He considered pretending he wasn't in, but then remembered that Cass was the most likely visitor at this time and she would try the door anyway.
"It's unlocked," he called, and was startled to the point of his knee jolting his desk and actually spilling a slop of coffee when the door opened to reveal Admiral Dread.
"I was just writing you a message," said Fabian. Dread closed the door behind himself.
"I think we have to use Framer," he said. "And I think we should find a way to convince Rystin that this is safe before we do. That's not going to be easy."
"Framer's a spider-elf," said Fabian. Dread raised an eyebrow.
"We know he has spider-elf ancestry," he said. "Wait, you mean you think he's actually full-blooded elf?"
"Not think," said Fabian. "The Maestro told me this morning. He thinks Framer was trying to help me, not hurt me. I think that's why he told me. It seems they've been colleagues for a long time." Dread moved some books that had somehow accumulated on the visitor's chair and sat down. He shifted a little uncomfortably as the chair was in no better condition now, and seemed to be thinking hard.
"That might help," he said. "But... Rystin likes the Maestro, right?"
Fabian shrugged. "He seems to," he said. "But I'm not that good at judging relationships. Ex-wife, remember her?"
"You definitely ignored a lot of advice about her," said Dread, a quick smile lighting his face up briefly.
"Good advice, with hindsight," said Fabian. He sounded very sincere. "I have promised myself to listen when people tell me things in future, and at least ask why I don't like what they're saying. Anyway, Rystin and the Maestro seem to get on well. I'd say better than I get on with the Maestro, but then he did tell me this this morning, unprompted."
"I wonder if we should involve the Maestro," said Dread. "After all, he knows a lot about hostile magic and hostile creatures, we wouldn't have to hide our use of the Staff from him, and maybe Rystin would consider using Framer to be safer if the Maestro, who will vouch for him, is along for the ride as well?"
Fabian's mouth dropped open.

Marc said...

Greg - ... it really is a shame you've no children of your own.

Oh man, what a return to this story. Bringing the Maestro on to the team? I can't wait to see what comes of this!