Tuesday July 10th, 2018

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: falling down.


Greg said...

I've just put the Tom Waits album that contains Hell Broke Luce on and we'll see how that sets me up for the working day. Though my PA's come in early and so there's just noise in the office now, which is slightly irking.

Glad you're enjoying Derby. I'm thinking I might do three days on Derby, one on haiku, two on four-line days, and then one on continuing to revist old posts (it's been over half a year now -- I'm slightly amazed). Though work may cause hiccoughs in that from time to time.

And... I still think you've been dropping hints about your life through the prompts, but you're staying quiet... I might have to pursue this hitman hypothesis further :-p

Falling down
Beds thrown from windows:
Rains of feathers, torn duvets.
Oh, there's falling down.

Kayaking blindfold
Expected river, found air.
Now just falling down....

morganna said...

Down, down the hillside
Tumbling and rolling, giggling
Children careening

Tumbling and sparkling
Waterfall mist cascading
Down the green cliff face

Marc said...

Greg - I like this proposed schedule of yours. I think I would be quite happy if you're able to maintain it more often than not.

Eh, things are still working themselves out. It's taking much longer than hoped/expected, but I should be able to get into things soon. Maybe?

Hah! Hard to choose between these two. Perhaps the first, by a feather.

Morganna - you've managed to paint two lovely images in my head here. Well done :)