Tuesday July 24th, 2018

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: the writing on the wall.


Greg said...

Hmm, so far the two prompts this week suggest you're reading murder-mystery novels... or you've been sent to re-assassinate someone you thought you'd already assassinated.

The writing on the wall
Leave him in the hall,
Find there's writing on the wall.
Who gave him crayons?

Red 5 calls it art,
Graffiti is his language.
It's Chinese to me :(

Marc said...

These came to me earlier today, so I'm chipping in now, replying to comments and doing explaining later.


Vile images scrawled
Across windows, doors, and walls -
No words required.

Don't act like you don't
Already know. This is a
Liar's paradise.

Marc said...

Greg - haha, love the first one. Never leave them alone with crayons...

And, of course, always appreciate Tagged references.