Saturday November 17th, 2018

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about something or someone that is: out of control.


Greg said...

Congratulations on being back up with the comments! You do a great job with the comments too, it's always a pleasure to read your thoughts on our writing. And the back-story of the inspiration for some of the prompts :)
I shall look for a non-stressor that improves my writing, but I have a feeling that I've already discovered coffee... ;-)

Out of control
Lady Believer leans her full weight against the lever
That opens the gates that lead to the Plateau of Krohl.
Unquiet Love whips the crowd till they're howling and loud
And they surge through, out of control.

Marc said...

Greg - thanks! And thanks again - I'm glad my replies are appreciated :)

Ah yes, coffee. Good point!

This is a darkly fascinating scene you've painted in just four lines. Impressive work, as usual.