Saturday December 29th, 2018

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about something that is: unnoticed.


Greg said...

I noticed your comment that we’d had the last haiku pairing of 2018 and realised that this must be the last four-line poem of 2018 too. So I guess I now have a week in which to decide if I’m going to be up to the task of writing a 52-verse, each of four lines, poem for the next year. It sounds... daunting.
Looking back over this year on your blog, it’s been interesting. Not having your writing to riff off (and occasionally outright steal parts from to show a different angle) has been challenging; I miss you writing here. And somehow starting a novel about Lord Derby without realising what I was doing was a surprise, and it feels (still) a little rude to be doing on someone else’s blog. And then finally, sticking with old characters instead of inventing new ones (with the exception of Aubgerine and Adrian, though I’m claiming Dragonfly Oracle invented them really since she started the story) has been oddly fun. It’s a bit sad that Dr. Septopus, Sylvestra and the Green Lantern never made it into this year, but I think Lord Derby took up too much mental space.
For next year then? Maybe... no promises, a year-long poem in four-line installments. Find out if Derby returns, or dies in Carcosa. More Bill and Ben, when prompts allow. More Famine, as slang updates and I can write longer sentences with ever less meaning :) And hopefully, just one or two spammers to play with :)

The grey gates of the Unreal City, unnoticed, have closed.
The watchmen are alert for danger; tea cools, forgotten, in china cups.
Fog rolls in across the river and dogs sit up and howl.
Madame Sosotris deals the cards, and then throws in the towel.

Marc said...

Greg - daunting is a good word for it. Though I shall try to keep you in mind when deciding on this Saturday's prompt :)

It's been a relief for me to not feel obligated to write on the prompts. I'd like to write on more of them, though. Just need to get back into the habit a little bit. At least I've been productive creatively elsewhere.

More on that soon. Promise.

I've very, very much enjoyed your work with Derby, though I suspect I've made that clear already. I look forward to seeing where things go from where you last left us. And I always welcome new additions to the GCU (Greg Characters Universe).

Ah, the Unreal City. This is lovely.