Saturday December 1st, 2018

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: a delicacy.


Greg said...

I noticed after re-reading yesterday's writing that everyone in Aubergine's tale of modern-day romance and old-fashioned dog-rearing values seems to have a name beginning with the letter A. It's not intentional. But it does make me wonder if I start hunting for names for characters alphabetically without realising it.

A delicacy
Sitting on rocks at the edge of the Galilea Sea,
Wondering philosophically what might a pelican be,
If a pelican were truffle-flavoured, and dipped in Himalayan salt...
I suppose it would have to be a delicacy.

Marc said...

Greg - well, we haven't heard from Zorthax recently...

I may have made that name up. With very little thought. I assume you'll make use of it anyway.

Really enjoyed the rhythm of this one. Very whimsical :)