Friday July 19th, 2019

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: resilience.


Greg said...

I remember writing a couple of posts on LinkedIn about Resilience -- it's a necessary skill I think :) I hope that this is a random prompt, and not born of a need to ignore what Max and Miles have done this evening... ;-)

"Why are we called Team Iceman?" asked Theresa as she and Maureen sat down on opposite sides of the Scrabble board. Their opponents, Team Titanic, were still at the bar quibbling over the price of tonic water.
"It was going to be Team Iceberg," said Maureen, "after I looked over all the team names, but I thought it might be being a bit obvious. The Iceman cometh, and hopefully enough of our opponents will get the reference, and get scared."

Marc said...

Greg - bah. Maybe if I keep current with replies I'll be able to remember what more of the prompts were inspired by.

Hah, though I think I would have rather enjoyed a battle between teams Titanic and Iceberg, I can see the reasoning behind going with Iceman instead :)