Monday July 29th, 2019

The exercise:

Write about: the council.


Greg said...

Given yesterday's post one could be forgiven that thinking you're intending to direct us to think that CAO is Chief Accounting Officer still. But clearly you're referring the Canadian Council on Assassinations and Foreign Activities, who would be your employer, Mr. Hitman :)

The council
The room was cool despite the corridors outside it being warm. Isabella Bonfonteine ran a hand over the wall nearest her, puzzled, and found that it was made of some kind of metal. Her hand, slightly sweaty, stuck here and there, but even so she could feel that if she were as cool as the room this would feel icily smooth. She lifted her torch and shone its LED beam around: it looked like it was a meeting room of some kind.
"You can come in," she called. "It looks safe."
The man who'd hired her for this trip, a tall, sickly looking chap in a suit that she suspected was made of spandex even though it was grey and looked suited to an accountant, stooped a little to get through the doorway. The doors had been damaged in the past and Isabella thought she recognised energy-weapon damage, so they were hanging at an angle and half-blocking the entrance.
"This is it," he said, his voice containing notes of awe. "This is the Chamber of Nastiness."
"Viri?" Isabella suspected he was Swedish, but he'd been very unforthcoming about his background, and her research had mostly turned up holes. She was carrying a couple of concealed weapons just in case. "What is a Chamber of Nastiness and why didn't you mention this sooner?" She automatically lifted herself lightly onto the balls of her feet, ready to run.
"It's a name," he said, looking around. "Just a name. LIGHTS!"
Recessed spotlights lit up at the command, and Isabella was impressed to notice that they were all working. The room, now well lit, was clearly a meeting room of some kind: there was an oval table with scorch-marks across it and Herman Miller chairs arranged around it. Two glass or crystal jugs were at the focal points of the oval, and there were three glasses in front of three chairs: one lying on its side and the other two upright.
"The Council of Nastiness used to meet here," said Viri. "Dr. Septopus did try getting them to agree to call this the Chamber of Evil, but no-one ever seemed to remember."
"The Council of Nastiness?" Isabella frowned, thinking hard. Her research had thrown up that name, but there hadn't been much said about it. Thoughts collided in her mind, and threw out a name. "The Kalahari Kalamari?"
"The Desert Squid," said Viri. "Also known as 'Ugh! Yukky tentacles!'. He was never on the Council, though i think they did try and recruit him once. This is fantastic, Isabella. This means we've actually found the Council's lair. There will be untold treasures in here!"
Isabella smiled faintly, still ready to run. "We're also maybe only a mile and a half away from an active volcano," she said. "Whatever you want to do, we have to make sure we can leave, and fast."
"They were supervillains," said Viri. He looked about him, and Isabella wondered for a moment if he was crying. "Of course their lair was near a volcano. But you can feel how much cooler it is in here, already. This is volcano proof!"
"It might be," said Isabella. "But if that thing erupts we'll have to try and dig our way out of solid rock. That is not my idea of a summer vacation."
"Oh no," said Viri. His voice took on a confident quality she'd not heard before. "There will be toys in here that can cut through solid rock like a hot knife through butter."
"Toys,..." murmured Isabella.

Marc said...

Greg - still too clever for your own good, I see.

Ah, it is has been much too long since last we heard of this particular council. Though you do have me wondering just who this Vin fellow is...