Friday February 19th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the tip.


Greg said...

I managed to get a haircut yesterday -- between travel and quarantine it has been about six weeks since the last, and I have had to use hair gel to control it (it also does a nice job of hiding the grey at the edges for some reason) -- and I am happier :)

The tip
"It's probably the tip of the iceberg, Derby," said Lord Vanadent, the least of the Lords Theological. "We debated long and hard if you should be involved at all."
"And you decided against it, only changing your mind when the King told you not to be so stupid?"
Lord Vanadent's smile faded away and he stared, grey eyes sighting along his long nose as though Derby were a mere target in his sights: "Something like that, yes."

Marc said...

Greg - I'm still shaving (more or less) my head, so I get a haircut whenever I feel like it and have the time. Speaking of which... I should probably do that today, it's getting long enough to stick out in places.

Derby! Always a pleasure.