Tuesday February 23rd, 2021

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: Lego.

Max and Miles are enjoying their latest Star Wars sets, a late Christmas present from their Aunt Nicky.

To be clear, only late because I sat on the gift certificates she sent them until after we moved. There was enough going on already between the end of the year and now.


Greg said...

Definitely sensible to hold off buying toys until after the move :) Not only does it avoid them getting lost or broken, but it means there's a fun new toy after the move! And those look rather fun, actually. I hope the boys let you play with them ;-)

Leggo my lego!
Or I'll leave the bricks on the
floor in your bathroom.

She built a lego
House and a lego husband.
She says she's happy.

Nicole said...

Gift certificates
Linger and languish here too
I just used my own.

I shall use my books
As large Lego building blocks
To make a book fort

Marc said...

Greg - oh, they insist that I play with them. I am happy to oblige.

Bricks being left on the floor on purpose is a legit threat. Also... it would not surprise me at all if the lady in your second haiku is indeed happy. That sounds pretty great.

Nicky - hi! The boys thank you, by the way. The rest of the gift certificates were used on a dinosaur dictionary (arrived first) and a kids illustrated dictionary (currently en route).

Your haiku brought a smile to my face. Your book fort sounds awesome :)