Saturday February 6th, 2021

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: a truth.

Getting there. Tomorrow will get us closer. Well, everything should be out of boxes at least.


Greg said...

Getting things out of boxes will make a huge difference -- everything will start feeling a little bigger and more like home. It sounds like there've been no surprises since you starting moving in, which is definitely a good thing!

Continuing the poem though as though it might last a year...:

A truth
Sleep is slow to come though the tunnel is silent
And while the Hulk creaks and groans as it dies
If I said it mattered, my words would be only lies.
And I have pledged to tell the truth — a truth — until I leave.

Marc said...

Greg - I think the only surprise, which we sort of expected, is that we'll need to get an electrician in to put in a new outlet for our deep freeze as where we need to put it doesn't have a proper outlet... and the cord doesn't even reach the one we shouldn't really plug it into anyway.

Hah, yes it does seem that way... but I like that this will unfold at its own pace. This is another lovely entry, by the way. Enjoying the references to the Hulk, makes it seem like this constant background presence.