Sunday February 21st, 2021

The exercise:

Write about: the notebook.


Greg said...

I'm back in the office today, remembering that I hate Windows and its pathetic attempts to pretend that it's a real operating system. Sigh.

The Notebook
"How did you scry Hermione if the Scrying division are having nightmares?" asked Ronnie reaching for a piece of salami. Harry slapped his hand away and continued sorting them.
"Proximity," said Genius. "Those spells are tricky--"
"Told you so," muttered Hermione. She started peeling the skin of a chicken leg and nibbling at the meat.
"--and the closer you can get to the target the more success you'll have. It means they rarely work on the things that most witches and wizards want though: the future, which you can't get closer to than you already are."
"That... makes a lot of sense," said Hermione. She seemed to relax slightly, and started eating the chicken leg with the enthusiasm of a starving wolf capturing a small, fluffy mammal.
"No-one ever constructed the Goblet of Firepower," continued Genius. "It's a purely theoretical device. There are two notebooks regarding it, but only one of them is still in the Committee Archives. I can get this for you -- probably, I shall have to confirm the order in writing first -- but getting hold of the second one might be trickier."
Ronnie reached for a slice of salami from a pile that Harry seemed to have finished building and Harry slapped his hand away again.
"Where's the second one?" Hermione gazed intently at Genius as though intending to detect if he was lying purely by force of will.
"Pro-- are you attempting Illegilimancy? on me? Apart from the fact that that's illegal, I'm not human. It doesn't work on non-humans. Just what are they teaching you at that school these days?"
"Not enough," said Harry. He started taking the cured meats from the individual piles and interleaving them into a curious sandwich. He was muttering softly under his breath as he did, and Ronnie, seeing how the slices seemed to disappear at odd angles, shuffled his chair further away from him.
"Sorry," said Hermione without sounding at all apologetic. "I forgot."
"That it was illegal?" asked Ronnie, but Genius spoke over him: "Professor Bumblestuff borrowed the second notebook a couple of years ago. He said he wanted to set some of the theoretical calculations in there as a Ph.D. project for one of his students."
Harry's sandwich popped and somehow turned into a cheeseburger. Everyone stopped talking and stared at him.
"How did he do that, exactly?" asked Genius.

Marc said...

Greg - welcome back?

Really enjoyed this segment. Harry's part especially :)