Friday February 5th, 2021

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the moving company.

We're in our home, at last.

Things went relatively smoothly today. We'll spend the weekend getting as much stuff out of boxes and setup as we can.

But for right now, I'm grateful for a place to call our own, that the boys are excited to be here, and that tonight we all get to sleep in our own beds for the first time in over five months.


Greg said...

Awesome! Have some binbags ready for things you take out of boxes and can't think why you kept. There will be a few, and throwing them away now stops clutter building up for a few more months!
I'm in quarantine after my Kyiv trip for 10 days so my move might be delayed to next Sunday. On the one hand, I don't need anyone to help me move, so I won't actually be unquarantined during it, but moving during it does kind of violate the spirit of it. I have to get a COVID test, probably next Friday or Saturday and moving after that's negative is probably the socially responsible thing to do.
Although, a decent government (which Malta doesn't have) would observe that I have essentially an unbroken COVID-free certificated status now since late November and realise that I can't have it and exempt me from the quarantine....

The Moving Company
Berthil's next client was escorted in by Berthil's secretary, who was then escorted out by his client's bodyguards -- Amazonian women with hard eyes and pleasant smiles. They wore suits of navy-blue with red scrollwork down the arms and legs and gold highlights on the shoulders and pockets and looked like they were ready to command Edwardian armies.
"The Moving Company," said Berthil's client, taking a round tin of snuff from a jacket pocket, "are notable for the fact that they move to new offices practically every month."
Berthil swallowed as the client continued, "and it would seem that you are the Notary that has overseen all of those many, many property changes."

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, we're tossing things left and right. It's a smaller space than what we had in Oliver (not hugely, but still), so we pretty much have to. And yes, that does seem like the reasonable thing to do, in these rather unreasonable times.

Hmm, interesting to see a client that makes Bert nervous. I'm keen to see what comes next in this meeting!