Saturday July 31st, 2021

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: a battle.

Kat and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary by taking the boys for a drive up to Apex Mountain to go for a hike and try to escape the smoke for a little while. Mission mostly successful.

They are calling for rain tomorrow. It is our intention, as a family, to do a celebratory rain dance in the back yard.


Greg said...

I think that you're supposed to do the rain dance to summon the rain, not to celebrate it, so you should do it today. Otherwise you run the risk of the rain staying until your local valleys becomes lakes ;-)

When it seems inevitable that battle must be joined
A white flag goes up and the Clarity turns sideways on,
So that a cannonade would surely sink the ship in one.
“Grappling hooks!” The Captain seems grimly happy.

Marc said...

Greg - I'd take valley lakes at this point.

Well, that was unexpected. But perhaps getting hold of Clarity will be useful for everyone involved.