Saturday December 25th, 2021

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: and to all a good night.

And thus concludes Christmas Week, 2021. Tomorrow commences the week of every single year in which I never know what day it is.


Greg said...

This reaches pretty much the ending that I'd planned, though perhaps there's more guessing left and less explanation. I think the poem is coherent as a whole, but it was written to fifty different prompts or so over the course of a year, so I wouldn't blame anyone for pointing out strange diversions, inconsistencies and downright errors :)

And to all a good night
I call the guards to bring the boy back
And he smiles when I’m firmly in his sight.
Together we shall turn this way and then that:
The Caliph of Al-Amrit wishes everyone goodnight.

Marc said...

Greg - hah, well I reckon you did a damn fine job of it. Would love to see it all together in one (or however many would be required) comment, if you have the time and inclination.

And well done working the prompt into this final stanza. I was aiming for something Christmassy and also workable for the poem, and am pleased to see I did all right with it. Or, well enough at least.