Tuesday December 21st, 2021

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: the magic of Christmas.

Feel free to ignore Two Haiku Tuesday if that helps with the (I guess it's officially happening now) Christmas theme week story you're working on.

Brought the boys home after work today. They had a great time but were definitely tired. Thankfully they both fell asleep early tonight.


Greg said...

I think we can have two haiku that fit broadly into the theme week, though obviously you are the ultimate arbiter of how successful they are :)
I was out for a suitably COVID-safe Christmas dinner last night with our company lawyer -- there were just three of there, well-distanced from other tables and all vaccinated -- and afterwards we went to the bar he has a controlling interest in. There I was given a cocktail called a Spicy Cubano -- rum based but with muddled fresh ginger and chili in it. It was very good and not too strong, perfect to finish the evening off with I think.

The magic of Christmas
Quantum processes
Cause the magic of Christmas
Santa needs no sleigh.

He entangles this
Early Christmas gift and boom!
The gift's on its way.

Marc said...

Greg - um, that sounds delicious. I might have to look up a recipe and give it a shot over the holidays...

I'd say you did magnificently - two haiku, on prompt, referencing a previous prompt, and moving the story forward. Well done!