Friday January 7th, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: moving on.

Roads were pretty crap this morning, but were significantly better on the way home. Just a weekend and two work days left now.

Starting to feel all the feels.


Greg said...

I think the thing to do next week is just focus on handover and making sure that there's nothing left undone that you'd be annoyed to come in on Wednesday and find left for you to do :)
Got my booster shot yesterday, which turns out to be Moderna this time (it was Pfizer for the first two doses). So far the reaction has been the same though: if I think about the vaccination site then it aches like it's been bruised. I am aching much more from leg day at the gym on Thursday though, so I'm not really thinking about the booster :-D

Moving on
A single file of concussed gnomes staggered across the lawn of the hospital, moving on. What few people knew, the pest control expert had noted, is that gnomes were remarkably tough and resilient little buggers and you couldn't really kill them so much as you could persuade them that their home wasn't a safe place to live. Once you'd made that clear to them they would pack their bags, load them onto their shoulders, and set off looking for pastures green. And if there was a boarding house a few roads away from the hospital where the people definitely couldn't afford the hospital's services, then maybe that was as happy an ending as anyone was going to get.

Marc said...

Greg - my challenge on Wednesday, as it turned out, was letting the job go and not allowing myself to send any emails to explain the various tidbits I forgot. It helped remembering they were only tidbits.

Why do I feel like that final line was directed at me? :P

I'd say it's nice to see this wrap up, but I suspect there's still an installment left...