Tuesday January 25th, 2022

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: going down the rabbit hole.

This afternoon I offered to help amend a report going to the next Board meeting. Seemed simple at first, then quickly turned into spending the rest of my day trying to figure it out - a lot of which was just waiting for answers to questions I had.

Got it close to finished by the end of it, so hopefully I can wrap it up early tomorrow. I say hopefully, because I have learned from today's mistake.


Greg said...

Well, for all that it's taken you longer than you expected, it sounds like a good way to learn a lot of things about the new job and who can answer questions for you :)
I am still curious about what RDOS stands for though. Now I'm thinking it's perhaps Reports Done Only Spitefully?

Going down the rabbit hole
Fat Alice got stuck
in the hole. The white rabbit
worries he'll be late.

Call it a time-sink
Or a rabbit-hole. It's late,
I should be asleep.

Marc said...

Greg - that's probably the most useful way of looking at it.

And that is an excellent deduction. Completely wrong, but excellent all the same.

Um, relate a little too well to that second haiku.