Tuesday January 18th, 2022

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: choosing a path.

Have several different ways I could get to work, so I'm trying to figure out which is best. Had to u-turn on Monday due to a car accident, and missed a turn this morning and ended up going a different route than I'd planned on taking.

At this rate I'll go a different way every day this week.


Greg said...

This sounds quite useful actually -- more than one route is always good for when there's an accident or other issue with one route, and finding them all out early on (which you probably wouldn't do unless forced) means you can easily adapt to the best route depending on how the morning is going. I'd say it's a good sign :)

Is it weird when you have to remind your coworkers from time to time that you're neither invisible nor a ghost, by the way?

Choosing a path
She's indecisive,
Instead of choosing a path
She chooses to wait.

The road less taken
Is also less well maintain'd...
This was a mistake.

Marc said...

Greg - ended up being four different routes over the five days, but I think I found the best one Friday morning so I'm calling that a win. The route home still needs work though, as there's at least one left hand turn that I do not care for.

And... hmm. I suppose when there's a lot of remote work going on it might be more needed than usual to remind your coworkers of your existence?

Oh man, Was going to say how much I liked your first one but then I read your second and it instantly became my favorite!