Friday March 18th, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the legend of Foul Winds Finnegan.

Sorry, just had an urge for a prompt along these lines. Feel free to ignore the four line limit if you're feeling inspired to write more.


Greg said...

Should I ask who you met who inspired this prompt? Or are some things better left unsaid? :)

Foul Winds Finnegan
Ben and Red were sat in the Saloon bar of the Shanghai House hotel, a building that had never seen the Far East or even pictures of it, listening to the barman tell tales and completely ignore their pictures behind the bar, even though they bore the words "Barred for life".
"Foul Winds Finnegan," said the barman with relish, "came in here a year ago to this day when the prop-ri-et-tress hersel' was in and demanded that she give him a room for the night, a meal, and light entertainment, if you get my drift. There was a miasma from his mouth where his teeth were rotting in his head, a stench from his stomach via his bowels that would make a dung-beetle ask for hazard pay and an aroma from his ankles that could only come from trench-foot warring with athlete's foot; she looked him up and down and decided that there was only thing to do. She dragged him outside and set fire to him."

Marc said...

Greg - I think... hmm. I think probably it was inspired partly by the name of one of the town home complexes in the area? There's a Fairwinds nearby, at any rate.

Hah, just read the first eight words and I'm laughing already.

Yup, that didn't disappoint. Great fun :)