Tuesday March 29th, 2022

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: subterfuge.


Greg said...

It looks like Blogger has eaten another post of mine (yesterday's) and consigned it to the spam folder again. Given I was writing about Mostlybony I'm at a loss as to what it thought looked like spam... but if it carries on like this then it's soon going to believe that everything is spam except for the spam itself....

Hell's last assassin;
In disguise, waiting to strike...
Death from the shadows

Dark secrets are now
Erased; the assassin flees.
No evidence left.

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, you got on a roll there with the filter. Hopefully it's gone on vacation now, fully satisfied with a job well done, and will leave you the hell alone for a bit.

Ah, haiku acrostic time! Well done!