Monday March 21st, 2022

The exercise:

Write about something that is: attached.


Greg said...

Hmm, I had some ideas about a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed story so I'm just going to detour to them today. We shall resume our normal story-telling after Haiku day :)

"They're singing again," whispered Kathy. "It's some kind of call-and-response song I think. Baritones vs Altos."
There were three of them left; the Oompa-Loompas had been hunting them for a couple of days now and had picked them off one at a time. David had been the first to go, speared through the head by an arrow with a wicked barb on it. He'd been down at the chocolate river filling a bucket and they'd thought they were safe. The attack had come out of nowhere.

They went back later and retrieved the bucket and filled it with chocolate but there wasn't anything they could do with the body. They considered pushing it into the river, but they were drinking the chocolate from there and didn't like the idea of polluting it. They were trying hard not to think that the ecosystem inside the factory might require at least some of the things living here to use the river as a toilet.

Kathy hadn't been attached to David, not like she was to Lucy who went next. Lucy had been pretty and her personality sparkled for all that her brain seemed to fizz and misfire just as much. Her optimism that they would beat the Oompa-Loompas and make it out the other end of the factory to claim the grand prize was so endearing. And Kathy could believe it when Lucy talked about it. But then they'd been working their way past the nut facility and the Sorting Squirrels and Lucy had stubbed a toe on some piece of gigantic machinery and she'd cried out. The Sorting Squirrels had astonishingly good hearing and the rest of them had had to freeze, silent, waiting, while Lucy screamed as she was dragged off to be Sorted.

"I think we're ok then," whispered Carl back. He was sorting out their food supply; they had an unending supply of things filled with sugar: candied almonds, chocolate (obviously), nougat, dragees of various sizes and colours, toffee in bars, individually wrapped and as some kind of novelty lollipop. And hard-candy lollipops too. But they were all starting to look pale, pasty and bloated and Kathy, who would never have imagined such a thing was possible, was having dreams of chasing broccoli attached to carrots by spring onion ties. "They usually only attack after they finish singing."
"Oh good," whispered Kathy with a satisfying amount of sarcasm. "What was in the pool?"
They'd encountered a formation that seemed to be rock candy with pools of chocolate hidden here and there. Some of them were deep enough to drown in, and Carl had thought he'd seen something in one of them.
"A sword," he said. He pointed, and Kathy saw a greatsword lying on the ground, smeared along its length with chocolate.
"A what?" she said, startled out of sarcasm.

Marc said...

Greg - sounds good!

Hah, should have known the resident workers would be a little more... direct in your version. Curious to see how this goes for the remaining children.