Friday May 20th, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: late nights and early mornings.

Been a long week. Happy to have a long weekend to (hopefully) catch up on some rest.


Greg said...

Enjoy your long weekend! Malta doesn't really have such things as it puts holidays randomly throughout the year, but it has so many of them that you sometimes wonder when anyone on the island gets any work done. And then you look around and realise that they don't, really :-D

Late nights and early mornings
Dr. Septopus yawned. Late nights and early mornings were fine for Sylvestra, who possibly never slept and probably drew her energy from some dark crystalline source kept hidden in an ancient temple lost in a jungle on another world altogether, but he was starting to feel his age and was not enjoying it. He clacked his beak a couple of times to try and make himself feel more awake and peered into the eyepiece of the microscope again.
"I know you've got a regrowth factor of some kind, Green," he murmured to himself, "and all I have to do is isolate it and I've got the beginnings of rejuvenation therapy."

Marc said...

Greg - hah, too true.

Why do I suspect the doctor is right about his suspicions around Sylvestra's energy source?