Sunday May 1st, 2022

The exercise:

Write about: trading places.


Greg said...

Who would you like to trade places with? Max maybe? Or Miles? :)

Trading places
Fabian had picked a restaurant a little way away from the Museum, in the heart of the tourist attractions of the City, partly because he'd read a good review of it and partly because he felt that whatever Dread wanted to talk about would be better where there were fewer people likely to try and eavesdrop. The restaurant was actually more of a bistro: unfussy with white tiled walls, a smooth black floor that might have been rubber but probably wasn't, wooden tables set with hoop-backed chairs and white cloth napkins and a wine list as long as the menu.
Dread came in, sat down, looked around slowly and carefully and nodded approvingly.
"Old French," he said. "I wasn't aware that this was back in fashion. Or that you'd consider going somewhere trendy!"
Fabian shrugged. "Perhaps I traded minds with my ex-wife for a moment," he said. He shivered slightly at the thought. "She was always very keen on being seen in the right places at the right times, she insisted that I needed to think about my reputation and make sure that people saw me doing role-appropriate things." A thought struck him and he looked around as well, focussing on faces just in case his ex-wife had actually booked a table in the restaurant at the same time as them. To his relief he recognised no-one.
"Well," said Dread after ordering two bottles of wine that made Fabian wonder how much work he might get done that afternoon, "I see that they do Marguerites of Sole which I haven't seen since College, so I might just have that. And I wanted to check if you think there'll be any problems with tonight."
Fabian was struggling a little with the menu as everything seemed to written in French, and while that was still a popular language in some parts of the Empire he didn't use it nearly enough to be comfortable ordering from a menu written in it.
"Sole?" he said, trying to sound casual. "I haven't had that in a while. Perhaps I'll try that as well." He squinted at the menu wondering what crevettes were and if he might like them in sauce japonnaise. "I think tonight would be fine, to be honest. The Maestro did leave the, um, exhibit last night. I didn't think he would to be honest. I was sure I was going to come in to find the place burned or flooded or whatever disasters might befall us. Probably ones the insurance doesn't cover."
The waiter came over to take their order and Dread ordered confidently and then looked at Fabian. He swallowed hard and pointed at the menu just a little randomly. "I'll try the crepes alsacienne," he said. Dread smiled just enough to reassure him he hadn't asked for anything obviously stupid.

Marc said...

Greg - at the moment? Someone who didn't bike for nearly an hour today. Though I suspect that I'll want that switch even more tomorrow morning.

I think I'd like to try eating at this restaurant after reading your description. And I'm glad you didn't make Fabian order something unpleasant :)