Tuesday May 3rd, 2022

The exercise:

Write two haiku about: two for one.

Now that I'm working in Penticton and the boys are a five minute walk from school, we don't really need two vehicles any more. The van has barely been used the last couple of months. I'm also going to start biking to work a few times a week now that the weather is more agreeable to such things.

So, after plenty of looking and waiting for the right deal, we went in to the local Nissan dealership on Saturday and traded in the Pontiac Montana and the Kia Rio for a 2016 Nissan Rogue:

If the van wasn't wearing down we probably would have just sold the car. And while I would have preferred to keep the car it just wasn't big enough to be our only vehicle.

So here we are, back down to one for the first time in five years, with all the savings that involves, and it is shiny and new and red and we're all quite happy with it.


Greg said...

Wait, wait... you traded Betty White in for a red car? Apart from the fact that her namesake has barely been dead five months (you monster!) this sounds like the fairy tale of Snow White and Rose Red.
And now, checking the links you provided, I am very relieved to see that I remembered your car's name properly otherwise I'd have to delete my whole first paragraph! I guess this explains the prompts from the last few days though :)

The new car looks lovely and I'm sure you'll grow to love it (and name it) soon enough. I assume the motorbike at the side in your picture is Max's, right?

Two for one
Soft snow blankets us,
Two metres for every one
predicted. Bargain?

She only buys things
Offered at two-for-one. Our
doctor says its twins.

Marc said...

Greg - her name was Betty, to be clear. I never actually called her Betty White, despite the inspiration.

And oh, you're right! The waiting was definitely inspired by having to wait until Tuesday to actually bring the Rogue home. And we were supposed to have a brainstorming session with the boys to name it but that hasn't happened yet. Will let you know what the end result is, so that you can impress me by remembering it five years from now without having to look back first.

No comment on the bike.

Hah! Was going to say how much I enjoyed the first and then I got to the ending of the second and was so delightfully surprised I forgot all about the first. Nicely done :D