Friday October 24th, 2008

The exercise:

Def Poetry Jam Friday presents Mike Mcgee's Like.


Welcome to my birthday weekend. My first present to myself was to decide to take a week off from my Creative Outlet, so no new chapter over there until next Friday.

My second birthday present to myself was to go through various Def Poetry Jam performances that I hadn't seen before and stop at the first one that made me laugh. We have a winner: Mike Mcgee, come on down.

For the record, the magic moment was around the 1:10 point. Yes, I'm mature like that.

Sunday is my actual birthday but I'm stretching this out for the whole weekend, as is my right. So tomorrow will still be four line poem day, but I suspect I'll do more than just that. And Sunday will feature my last un-posted workshop poem which is all about me and where I'm from. Hope to see you around.

I'll leave you with some more Mcgee goodness.


Olivia said...

Happy Birthday!

Marc said...

Thanks very much :)