Friday June 29th, 2018

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about being: within striking distance.


Greg said...

It feels like you should already have been within striking distance of your target... I suspect you're trying to throw us off the scent again :)

Today, let's revisit two years ago today: You said you liked your poem here and so did I, so reminding you won't hurt :)

Within striking distance
Oscar de Havilleau sipped coffee and looked around the coffee shop; nervously if Isabella was any judge. "This is all quite strange," he said at last. "The world has moved on very rapidly indeed, it's hard to believe you when you say we're still within striking distance of my century and I recognise so little."
"The thing is," said Isabella, "that the important things, the things I need to find, have barely moved at all."

Marc said...

Greg - ooh, I still like that one. Though the typo makes me twitch a bit...

And nice to see you revisit this as well. I'd ask for more, but then that would mean less Derby, so I'll just keep those wishes to myself for now :P