Saturday June 9th, 2018

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: applause.

Oh, and happy 10 year anniversary to Daily Writing Practice. The, uh, prompt was honestly not connected with this at all. I just remembered after scheduling the entire week that the blog started sometime in early June, so I looked up the actual date and then edited this post.

I feel like I'm over explaining this.

So I shall just say: thanks for being an integral part of this writing practice site. Reading your responses to my prompts is what keeps me committed to continuing on with this blog.


Greg said...

There was a time when you'd do a year-in-review of blog posts over the past year for the anniversary... ok, you did it once. All the way back in 2009. But it was still a nice idea and it's a shame it would be so much work to do it again, especially with nine years to catch up on... :-D
And I enjoy reading your posts (when you have time to make them) and your comments on our little efforts, so I think the blog benefits us all, one way or another :) Thank-you!

Bring out the Maestro,
The man with a million prompts to write to.
Ovate him, decorate him and thank him
For seeing this writing blog through.

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, a decade in review would take... a while :P

Aw, thank you :)

I think.

Depends what you're planning on decorating me with :P