Sunday June 17th, 2018

The exercise:

Let us finish the week by writing about: breaking the mold.


Greg said...

I'm back at the gym now (at least on weekdays; I've picked a gym that's less than five minutes walk to the office, and pretty much on the way to the office, so I'm going weekday mornings before work. I get there for 7am, and while that might sound early, walking in the Maltese summer heat is... not recommended, so walking in before 7am is actually a good idea!) and while I'm a little sore, I definitely feel better for it. I'm also hoping that it helps with the laying down of bone post-dental work :)

For today, let's continue with Ernest Derby a little.

Breaking the mould
Lord Campion set his coffee down and Ernest noted that the cup was still half-full while his own was nearly empty. He decided that the chance of a refill was slight, and inwardly sighed a little.
"The global coalition," said Lord Campion, his tone questioning.
"Commonly called the G5 committee," said Lord Derby obligingly. "Made up of the United Kingdom, who represents the interests of the Commonwealth of Nations, France, Prussia, the Eastern Hegemony currently represented by Poland, and the Empire of the South, currently represented by Indonesia. All in all, nearly two-thirds of the known world have a voice, to one extent or another, at the council."
"In theory," said Lord Campion. His mouth might have twitched to a smirk for a second. "In practice the King tends to put England's interests first; France and Prussia don't pretend to listen to their vassal states; the Eastern Hegemony is dominated by Tsar in St. Petersburg, who in turn leans heavily on the Patriarch, and the Empire of the South takes a lot of notice, quite informally of course, of what the King says. Three men and one woman largely determine the fate of the world. This coalition meets annually, usually on the tiny Mediterranean island of Malta as neutral territory."
"I thought we owned Malta?"
"Actual ownership is split amongst England, France, Prussia and St. Petersburg. The border lines on the map are fascinating and ridiculous; the very house you're born in determines your monarch in most cases. The King in Yellow is a legend, a monstrous King who committed atrocities practically unthinkable today. Whether he really existed is a question for historians I suppose, but there is definitely evidence on the island of Demonology of the most abhorrent kind. The legend tells that the King was never defeated, but that he chose to retire to Carcosa, and that he's still there now, never aging, never dying."
"Outlawing Demonology is a major achievement of the G5," said Ernest. He emptied his cup and set it down on the table with a slight rattle. "It corrupts both morally and physically."
"Like most things," said Lord Campion, twisting his cup idly back and forth on the table, "it can be used in productive ways. In terms of espionage Demonology is still used -- no, Derby, don't look at me like that. Take it up with the King if it offends you so much. Dignity's aim was not to find the King, but rather find the knowledge the King supposed had. Find out what Demonology was conducted on Malta, and see if it's useful to us."
"And what if the King is still there?"
"Then, Derby, you'll have proven definitively that you're breaking the mould," said Lord Campion finally smiling. "You'll have done what no-one before has achieved -- found a legend that might just be the source of all Demonology. This will outshine your discovery of the Gunpowder Traitors, it will cast into shade the time you located the tomb of Arthur, and even your recovery of the Crown Jewels will be relegated to the appendix of your bibliography."
"I wonder if one man can bear such a weight," murmured Lord Derby.

Marc said...

Greg - that sounds like a pretty ideal way to get some workouts in. I was going to the gym a bit this winter but now that the job's started again I pretty much have to let that be my exercise. Plus the boys, obviously.

Derby! Going to Malta! In search of a legendary king and evidence of Demonology!

You're spoiling me :D