Wednesday June 13th, 2018

The exercise:

Write about: one last time.


Greg said...

Stitches out this morning, and it was surprisingly quick and painless. When the longest piece of "thread" (it's actually PFTE tape) was pulled through I felt it happening but it didn't hurt. I've been congratulated on healing so well, which feels a bit odd since it's not really anything I've done -- it's a bit like being congratulated on breathing. Still no permission to eat peanuts for another week though :-D

One last time
Lord Campion raised an eyebrow censuring Lord Derby's failure to wait for an invitation to coffee, and Ernest raised an eyebrow back. For a moment there was a silent war on a purely gestural level, and then Lord Campion located a small silver bell sitting on a shelf of one of the bookcases and shook it. Gentle peals of bright noise filled the air.
"Lord Campion," said Ernest with a note of warmth in his voice. "There's you and me here. Let's be frank and open with one another, not stand on stiff formality and imperial etiquette."
"You don't command, Derby," said Lord Campion. A butler appeared at the far end of the room and was sent for coffee. "When most people around you would dearly love to take your position you'd better be certain when you let your guard down, or decide to do things the nice way instead of the right way."
"I see," said Ernest. He allowed his gaze to linger on the armchairs for a moment. "In my line of work it's much more likely that I'll meet people who just want to kill me."
"Shall we sit?" said Lord Campion, with just a trace of mockery in his words. "Perhaps we have a certain commonality of experience after all."
As they moved to the chairs the butler returned with a copper tray set with cups, coffee jug and milk and sugar and a few more moments were spent establishing that both men drank coffee black and unsweetened. Then the butler left and a moment's silence held sway.
"Carcosa," said Ernest, sipping his coffee. He smiled at the taste.
"One last time," said Lord Campion. "There have been four attempts so far, and to the King's credit he's responsible for none. Dignity seems to have been the only person to have found it and he's not returned, so exactly what he found is still open to debate. I think it's a fool's errand and frankly, Derby, I don't think you're fool enough to pursue it. You should tell the King that."
"I don't have the liberty of telling His Majesty anything unless he asks me to report," said Ernest. He sipped his coffee again. "I don't envy you your position as his advisor, either, milord. I can only imagine how many times you must think and rethink your conclusions before you speak up. But still, I am very grateful for this advance notice as it means I might inform myself a little better about Carcosa before His Majesty bids me investigate."
Lord Campion eyed Ernest with bright eyes, and for a moment Ernest wondered how his eyes could glitter with no direct source of light nearby. "I think you underestimate the King's opinion of you, Derby," he said at last. "As it would obviously be rude of me to say that I think you're lying."
"Dissembling," said Ernest gently, looking down at his nearly empty cup.
"Whatever. The last search for Carcosa was commissioned by King Michael, twenty-five years ago. The one before that was only five years earlier, and set up by one of the Lords Magical, but I don't have access to the whys and wherefores of that. You might be able to find out more yourself as you are... unaligned with any of the Lords."
"You make me sound unorganised." Ernest finished his coffee. "What is known of the King in Yellow then?"

morganna said...

No, I won't
Ever do that again!
Very well, I suppose once more
Each time is such a drain,
Really. But just this once!

Marc said...

Greg - hurray for quick and painless! Glad things are progressing nicely :)

Ah, how I have missed Derby. So good to have you writing his story again. This tale definitely has me hooked and intrigued.

Morganna - heh, this sounds all too familiar. Either from my boys or... myself, to be honest :P