Thursday June 21st, 2018

The exercise:

Write about: taking it day by day.


Greg said...

Is this prompt in reference to a new policy regarding catching up with comments? ;-) Or has illness struck the family and you're in recovery mode?

Taking it day by day
Ernest looked around for a chair and found that the two in the room were occupied: one by a stack of books and the other by a cat that appeared to be sleeping. He opted to move the books, balancing them on the edge of the desk even though Memnith shrugged and suggested the floor.
"Logic isn't fuzzy," said Ernest. "It-"
"It's not fuzzy the way you apply it," said Memnith. "But you depend of the Law of the Excluded Middle, and much of what you do -- gathering evidence, correlating facts -- is done precisely to allow you to apply that Law. The third thing you do, which is understanding people to an extent that frankly, no one in the Court can comprehend, isn't logical in the slightest and probably belongs to one of the Humanitarian Schools of Magic."
"I'm no Mage!"
"You have the talent to be one if you chose," said Memnith. "But... I honestly think the King would object. Not only would he lose his Principal Investigator, at least while you studied, I think he'd worry about the amount of power you'd command after that. Not from magic, but from all your skills."
Ernest sat still, thinking.
"But anyway, we're not here to sing your praises. You can go anywhere for that. Demonology is the application of fuzzy logic, and it's connection with demons is because historically they seek to take words and twist their meanings so that the letter of what was said is met, but the spirit is violated. Like lawyers, only less expensive. And so they depend on the Law of the Excluded Middle not holding, for otherwise there would be no layers of meaning to exploit."
"I feel like I've been blind," said Ernest. He leaned back the chair and crossed on ankle over the other knee. "I thought I had a basic understanding of what you do, even though I was sure the subtleties of it escaped me. Now it seems like I was peering through the keyhole at shadows and guessing what they meant."
Memnith smiled for far too long. "Now you know how the rest of us feel when you stand in front of the King and explain how painfully obvious it was that traitors were gathering in Hull and plotting to overthrow the throne. You link up events and people and places and we all wonder how we all saw this and never drew the same conclusions."
"I guess I shall be learning some more then," said Ernest. "Taking it day by day, if you don't mind though. I suspect I need to think about these things before you introduce the next big concept."
"I wish I had students as bright as you, I really do."
Ernest smiled faintly. "So where does the moral and spiritual corruption come in?"
Memnith chuckled. "You'd be surprised how many people forget about that," he said.

Marc said...

Greg - clearly not :P

Though I think this might have been around the start of my cold, which I'm just now getting over. So perhaps this one was prescient...

More fascinating Derby goodness. I am pleased.