Friday August 17th, 2018

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the new normal.


Greg said...

Is this a reference to your first full week in the new job? Or is this a wish that things would settle down enough to be called the new normal? :)

The new normal
"Gandalf's a bit tetchy, isn't he?" Frodo stared after the departing angry wizard, whose rage had deepened with every artefact that Frodo had pulled out of his backpack, which Frodo described as keepsakes, souvenirs, and in one case, a memento mori.
"That's the new normal," said Tom, hammering nails through Samwise's neck and into his shoulders to try and keep his head in place. "Did you really say that you had Sauron's skull in that black box, sir?"

Marc said...

Greg - mostly a reference to my new job and schedule and how different my weeks are now. In good ways, but still different, still needing some getting used to.

Oh man, that tossed in detail about the hammered nails. So casually included one might forget to realize how horrific the reality of it is :)