Thursday August 30th, 2018

The exercise:

Write about: something in the water.


Greg said...

I feel like you're dropping hints, not prompts, so we shall return to this briefly.

Something in the water
"How long does it take for kids to turn feral?"
"Couple of weeks, I think."
"How long have this lot had?"
"The Headmaster was a bit reluctant to say. I think there was tough decision to take about budgets and whether the bad publicity of not rescuing them was worse than the cost of it."
The divers picked their way through Sixticton's cave system. Every twenty metres they stopped, checked their maps, and made annotations to it to improve its accuracy.
"So they might have starved to death already?"
"There's a bounty for every one brought back alive."
"Let's keep looking then!"
The back of this cave had a deep pool, and though the divers checked all the walls for other exits, the only way the children could have gone was through the water.
"Odd," said the leader. "You'd think they'd have stayed put here, really."
"Can you hear chanting?"
"Shut up, Tim. That wasn't funny in Thailand, and it's not funny here."
"It's deep," said another diver. "I'll check it." There was a gentle splash, and then just the sounds of breathing while the other divers waited. More splashing as the diver returned, tiny waves of water lapping across the floor of the cave.
"About ten metres," said the diver. "There's another cave at the far end, must be on the map. Empty though."
"Not yet."
"It's not the Slaughtercave then."
"Detention Hall."
The divers climbed out in the next cave and checked the map.
"Ok, this cave's not on the map, but it looks like it should be next to... this one. So there might be a way through into there, check over on the right please Jeff. And... well, the Slaughtercave's just ahead of us, so let's see if we've got a direct route into it."
"Where's Tim?"
"Where's Tim?"
"Oh for fu--.... Right, someone go back and find out what silly games he's playing now. That was a smooth bore we went through right? Nowhere for him to get stuck?"
"Right boss, back in five."
There was a gentle splash.
"Jesus, I hope this isn't like that time in Cambodia."
"What, when the Khmer Rouge were chasing us wanting their money back."
"...not that time. We don't talk about that time."

morganna said...

Watch out!
Alligators in
The shallow
End -- this short-term
Rental is not as advertised.

Marc said...

Greg - ... three prompts, then. I really don't think the complaints were that bad. I must have been stretching for prompts.

I like these divers a lot. I think 'That wasn't funny in Thailand, and it's not funny here' was my favorite line :D

Morganna - yeah, I'd want my money back for sure on this one :)