Saturday August 11th, 2018

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: back where it all began.


Greg said...

Don't you have to be a project manager to be back where it all began? Or was there a job before that one? :)

Back where it all began
Time travel induces time-rage:
People travel back to another age,
Where, they fancy, "it all began".
They're disappointed, to a man.

Marc said...

Greg - pretty sure it all began with newspaper delivery. This was intended more as 'back where my time with the town began', but I'm quite sure you knew that and are just being nitpicky :P

I like the idea of time rage being like road rage. I feel like that idea could be explored further, actually.

Anyway. Really like this. I'd say especially the final line but I appreciate all the lines pretty much equally here.

Am said...

Even now the smile in his eyes
Though crinkled around the edges like old paper
Remind me of treehouses in late spring
Before he was more than “cooties”

Marc said...

Am - this is lovely and brought a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing this with us :)