Saturday November 16th, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: missing.


Charlie swore softly and reloaded his gun,
For in the darkness he'd missed.
Now The Master had retreated to his room,
Where he worked on a new list.


Greg said...

I think the Master might be a little deluded if he thinks a list is going to save him from Charlie... but who knows, there have been a lot of reversals so far, and maybe the Master knows things I don't! This is exciting :)

The Robot, missing vital parts like C-
PUs and metal hearts, tries one last time
to breach the walls; the walls can only break
its fall... and still men die. The Shadow speaks:

Marc said...

Greg - I think you'll like what comes next. I hope so, at least!

Not that I've written it yet, just have the general idea in my head.

This is excellent, possibly one of my favorite entries in your poem. Keen to see what the Shadow has to say.