Saturday November 23rd, 2019

The exercise:

Write a four line poem about: confessions.

Blimey, only five stanzas left after this one... I should really plot the rest of this thing out.


Hid beneath his bed The Master wrote quickly,
Leaving him no room for thought.
He laid bare all of his sins, seeking Mercy
For the havoc he had wrought.


Greg said...

Aha, so this is the list the Master is writing now! Well, that makes more sense that my belief that he was going to have a spare homicidal robot in a cupboard somewhere, just in case the other three went wrong....
A small point, but I believe Mercy got killed recently? Someone should tell the Master :)

Its voice is like the breaking surf confess-
-ing drowning sailors, saying Old Eno-
-chian with vowels slightly rounded, o-
-p’ning portals to the Robot’s world. Grey mist

Marc said...

Greg - yeah, I suspect that would have been the more pragmatic approach.

Also... I prefer to say that the world is currently between Mercies. Unfortunate timing for The Master, is all.

Plus I could not resist the reference, given the timing of what's going on in your tale.

I... am not sure that I would want to hear that voice. Ever.