Tuesday November 12th, 2019

The exercise:

Write two haiku about something that is: waterproof.


Greg said...

I guess waterproof coming after fireproof makes sense; will tomorrow's prompt be steamproof? Or hermetically-sealed (airproof)? :)

They called her a witch,
Threw her into the river.
She's waterproof though.

My waterproof house
Caught fire inside. Put it out?
We tried. Ash remains.

morganna said...

Float along, dive down,
Come up with a bit of food
Ducks are waterproof

Marc said...

Greg - ooh, hermetically sealed would have been a good one. Dang, missed that opportunity.

Hah, like your first one best this week :)

Morganna - always appreciate a poem about ducks, so thank you for this one :)

IvyBennet said...

My rain boots are yellow
Covered in many duckies
And squeak when I walk.

With them, I can walk
In rain or mud or cold snow
And my feet stay dry.