Friday April 15th, 2022

The exercise:

Write four lines of prose about: the other side of the mountain.

Took our visitors for a hike today. Went farther than I had gone before (Kat and the boys had done the full hike last summer with a home schooling group) and it was gorgeous. The view at the end was well worth the effort.

Pictures on my phone, will try to remember to share tomorrow.


Greg said...

Ah, so you were the one saying "are we nearly there yet?" all along the hike? I hope everyone else had fun pointing out all the sights and wonders along the way to you :)

The other side of the mountain
Dr. Doestoomuch paused for a moment and then tapped the map on his desk, laid upside down to him so that his patient could read it properly. "The other side of the mountain," he said, tapping a spot that might have been in the middle of a river, "just here, is exactly where those pills will have the best effect."
The patient, an arthritic man sitting in a wheelchair and chewing tobacco, looking a lot like a cow cudding, frowned in a way that turned his face into a labyrinth of wrinkles.
"I'm not saying you do too much, doc," he said, "but are you sure you're not mixing me up with that fella from the logging crew?"

Marc said...

Greg - hah, Kat was actually the one that was quite certain we wouldn't make it all the way to the end, I was just along for the ride. And yes, the boys love pointing out things to me as a general rule, so when I'm going on a hike for the first time that they've done before... they are in their element.

Hah. Well intentioned incompetence! What a delightful change from Dr. Fraud's brand of incompetence :)